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Chiropractic Care

What usually pops into mind when you hear “chiropractic care” is neck and back pain, but chiropractic care offers so much more. When the ENTIRE health of the spine and nervous system is examined, the body can function to its fullest potential. Meaning, improved digestion, better quality of sleep, a stronger immune system, better adaptability to life stressors, and of course, more comfort with the improvement of pain levels and muscular tension.

On a day-to-day basis, we encounter thoughts, toxins, traumas—better known as the three Ts. These three influences can force our bodies to operate at levels that are not ideal. A chiropractor focuses on the physical side of things using adjustments in office and tries to help as much as possible to minimize the amount of other emotional and chemical stressors on the body through education.

Chiropractic care locates areas of subluxation, or misalignments of the spine, that can be causing unwanted, undo stress upon any nerves leaving that spinal segment. By removing pressure off the nerves, interferences within the brain-to-body communication process are alleviated and health can be restored! Dr. Sabrina provides the adjustment, but your body is innately programed to do the rest.

Benefits for the Entire Family

A healthy family is a happy family! When chiropractic care is implemented into the family routine, the entire family unit can thrive and enjoy every moment life offers. At Weaver Family Chiropractic, we are passionate about getting mom, dad, and kiddos all under care. We ensure that our care is affordable for the entire family and that every member is cared for like they were Dr. Sabrina’s own.

Styles of Adjustments Used

Dr. Sabrina uses several methods of care, including Thompson Drop Table, hands-on adjustments, and Activator Method®.

Dr. Sabrina will assess what your body’s needs are and choose the appropriate method of adjustment. For infants, small children and mothers-to-be, an extremely gentle hands-on approach is used.


  • Thompson – Thompson Technique was founded by Dr. Clay Thompson in the 1950’s and is a technique that utilizes a special adjusting table with segmented drops. The drops allow for more thrust and speed to be delivered during the adjustment, while using the most minimal amount of force upon the patient. The initial thrust from the doctor initiates the movement of the spine and the table drop finishes the adjustment by taking the spine through its fullest range of motion.
  • Diversified – This is the classic style of adjusting that comes to mind when you think of chiropractic care that uses a more “hands-on” approach.
  • Activator Method – The Activator Method uses a specific analysis to determine vertebral misalignments. Adjustments are then delivered with a spring-loaded, handheld instrument. The Activator delivers quick, low-force adjustments making it an incredibly useful tool for all ages, but especially for children and elderly patients who require less force.

  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Aches and Pains
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Gut issues

  • Sleep issues
  • Mood
  • Extremity pains

  • Disc issues
  • Sciatica
  • Immune system support

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

An adjustment is the specific movement of a joint done by the chiropractor to restore proper spinal alignment and function. All adjustments are tailored specifically to you and Dr. Sabrina is well versed in multiple techniques to make sure you see results.
What are the side effects to chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care is safe, effective and non-invasive. One potential side effect after an adjustment, especially your first, is general soreness. This soreness should be no greater than the soreness you would feel after a hard work-out. To help, we encourage all patients to drink plenty of water and tell them to try to get in some light movement, such as a walk, after adjustments.
When will I see results?
The large majority of our patients report changes almost immediately, however,
it can vary from patient to patient depending on your history and symptomatology. Sometimes changes can be small at first and gradually improve over time. And sometimes, you may even feel worse before you feel better. That is because we have to “deconstruct” old, deeply-rooted patterns before we can “reconstruct” healthy new ones. At WFC we celebrate the big wins and the small wins… and you may even notice changes to aspects of your health you didn’t even originally come in for!
Once I start chiropractic care, will I always have to go?
At the end of the day, that choice is ultimately up to you. At WFC we recommend continuing chiropractic care throughout every season of your life, at minimum, checking in with us once a month. A lot of our patients who remain active in wellness care notice how well the feel and function so they chose to incorporate chiropractic care into their self-care routinely.

Providing Hope for All Patients

Dr. Sabrina wants you to leave each appointment feeling like you’ve been appropriately adjusted and also that there’s hope ahead. She wants you to feel empowered about getting results.

Call the office today to set up an appointment to find out how chiropractic can benefit you!

Chiropractic Care | (419) 572-6191