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A pregnant woman with her hand on her belly

Pregnancy Chiropractic at Weaver Family Chiropractic

There are many benefits to chiropractic care for pregnant women, and those in the first few weeks after birth as well. As a Webster-certified practitioner, Dr. Sabrina is educated in the latest pregnancy-specific treatments. She understands the gentle touch necessary to ensure the safety of the mom-to-be and the baby, while also successfully adjusting any misalignments.

We will also keep you comfortable through the use of a specialized table and pregnancy pillows.

The Benefits of Care During Pregnancy

While is common for women to feel uncomfortable during pregnancy, it is not ideal nor should it be the norm. Women should be able to experience this beautiful process with the least amount of aches and pains possible. So in order to keep up with the rapidly changing body during pregnancy, chiropractic care helps by maintaining a healthy spinal alignment and optimal nervous system function. This can start as early as pre-conception, at any time during pregnancy, and even continue into the fourth trimester as mom transitions into hands-on, round-the-clock motherhood!

What Women Say Pregnancy Chiropractic Helped Them With

  • Reducing overall discomfort
  • Reducing low back pain, hip pain, and / or pubic bone pain
  • Less round ligament pain
  • Less sciatica associated with pregnancy
  • Helping baby get into a more optimal birth position
  • Less rib pain and better breathing
  • Better and more comfortable sleep
  • Shorter labor and delivery times
  • Prevention of potential C-section and / or the need for other interventions
  • Better and faster postpartum recovery
  • Successful breastfeeding postpartum

What is the Webster Technique

Pregnant mom with daughterThe Webster Technique is a chiropractic-focused analysis that’s intention is to help relieve any discomforts associated with pregnancy and ultimately improve birth outcomes. Webster focuses on restoring balance and proper function to mom’s pelvis and sacrum by removing spinal misalignments. It also removes tension placed on supporting soft tissue, such as muscles and ligaments, and removing unwanted stress placed on the nervous system. Once mom can achieve an ideal environment for her growing baby through Webster, it optimizes baby’s ability to get into a better birthing position.

Pregnancy and birth, although beautiful, is complicated and Dr. Sabrina knows that. This is why she separated herself from other practitioners in the Napoleon community by receiving additional training in pregnancy chiropractic care via the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) and certified in the Webster Technique. As a mother, you wouldn’t trust just anyone when it comes to the health of your child, and that starts as early as when they are growing inside of your belly.

How Often Should You Visit?

Making weekly visits during your pregnancy is ideal, especially as the baby grows and your body naturally grows in response to adjust. This helps keep your body in proper alignment and allows you to enjoy this special time in your life, free from discomfort or pain.

Care for Moms, From a Mom

Dr. Sabrina is not just any doctor; she is a mother herself and has firsthand experience with the struggles and joys of motherhood. She looks forward to walking alongside moms and providing outstanding care and a listening ear at every stage. There are a lot of question marks surrounding pregnancy, birth, and what motherhood entails so Dr. Sabrina is there to offer her chiropractic knowledge, along with her priceless, first-hand experience, to ease the anxiety surrounding it all!

Reach Out To Us Today

If you want to explore how chiropractic can help you live life to its fullest potential during this special time, call today and make an appointment. Dr. Sabrina can’t wait to meet you!

Dr. Sabrina offers a complimentary consult and first adjustment for baby once they arrive, so long as mom was under care for the fullness of her pregnancy with me. Because when it comes to raising healthy kids, “As the twig is bent, so grows the tree” … so setting them up for success immediately after birth is a strong passion of mine!

Pregnancy Chiropractic Napoleon OH | (419) 572-6191